Permaculture Principles In Action

When practicing permaculture, our goal is to prevent energy from leaving before basic needs of the whole system are satisfied. This involves care of the Earth, care of people, distribution of surplus, and setting limits on consumption. Learn practical applications for these principles!


Cooperation—not competition—is the very basis of future survival for existing life systems.

Rooted in the Indigenous wisdom of seventh generational thinking, the prime directive of permaculture is to take responsibility for your own existence and that of your children, and your children's children....


2-Part Webinar

Join Erik Ohlsen in two 90-minute webinars as he breaks down permaculture principles and shares how to apply them to your life, your projects, and your work.

Mind Map

Receive a downloadable permaculture design principles map to help guide your understanding of the ways in which you can apply them.

Permaculture Ethics

Receive a downloadable PDF on the synthesis of permaculture principles as defined by the movement's originators, Bill Mollison and David Holmgren.



Erik is an internationally renowned certified permaculture designer, practitioner, and teacher. He is author to several books and a seasoned activist organizer, working within social and environmental movements for more than two decades.

Erik has worked throughout the world with a focus on Mediterranean climates. He has extensive experience with projects that range from small urban lots to large broadacre scale design and implementation. His decades in the field have led to a deep knowledge of all aspects of ecological design and land development. He’s a specialist in water harvesting systems, food forest design, community organizing, vocational education, and more.

Erik is the founder of Permaculture Artisans, an award-winning eco-landscape design firm based in Northern California, and the online school, Permaculture Skills Center.